Ensure Justice Marathon 2016

MPWOC Member, Sandra Morgan has been leading the way to educate and engage our community to respond to the overwhelming inhumanity of human trafficking for 9 years.  Ensure Justice 2016 “A Marathon to End Human Trafficking” will consider the root causes and long term sustainable solutions. We invite our community to attend as individuals and sponsor as business leaders.  You will also be invited to participate in a 5K walk @11:00 a.m. Friday, March 4to bring media attention to this critical issue.  Sandra has served on Child Welfare’s Steering Committee for developing a protocol for intervening in the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Orange County.   She was out of state during their meeting last week and received a text from our Presiding Juvenile Justice, “How much does it cost to attend Ensure Justice?”  I texted back that all of our OC child serving professionals will be our guests!  It seemed the right thing to do.  Our county funding is significantly inadequate, so I didn’t want them use funds that our kids need.  After she hit send, she sat down at her computer and sent the sponsorship packet to several leaders.

Director, Global Center for Women & Justice

T 714.966.6361 F 714.619.6556  gcwj.vanguard.edu