Our first Vital Connections Lunch of 2025 called us to "Take Heart When Making Choices.” Leaning into the words of Psalm 27:14, we shared with one another examples of voices we are struggling with. We then explored what a PAUSE looks like when we PUT it in park and be still, ASK God to intervene, UNTANGLE our why, SURRENDER the outcome, and ESTABLISH our steps with courage!
December 2024 - Christmas Service Project
This year's Marketplace Women Christmas Service Project was to fill 50 Christmas stockings with gifts and goodies for some of our Senior neighbors. It was a fun event with a special time of praying for the Senior who will receive each stocking! We partnered with Age Well Senior Services to distribute the stockings to Seniors who have little or no family and who rarely get visitors or phone calls. It is our prayer that our neighbors know that someone cares and the love of Jesus!
November 2024 - Vital Connections Midday
Our final Vital Connections Lunch in 2024 centered on "Standing Firm in Who You Are." With our guiding scripture of Joshua 1:9, we shared stories of women from the Bible who stood firm in who they were and then we had great group discussion on how we would navigate workplace scenarios where standing firm in who we are might not be easy. It was an inspiring afternoon of fellowship and an opportunity to remind ourselves that no matter what happens, we do not stand alone but that it is God who works in us!
October 2024 - Vital Connections Midday
Our first Vital Connections Lunch of 2024-2025 kicked off the season in a big way as we explored the difference between Courage and Confidence! Guests had the opportunity to share what they would do with just a little more courage and some of their tips for recovering from a confidence “derailer.” We all agreed that perfectionism is an enemy of confidence and that living in fear is the worst way to live. It was a good time to write ourselves a message of encouragement and keep it handy for one of those tough days that are sure to come! Afterall, confidence is an ACTION, not a feeling!
September 2024 - Business Showcase
Marketplace Women enjoyed the first event of the 2024-2025 Season by showcasing their businesses, while munching on great appetizers, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. The Annual Business Showcase, always a highlight, included a speed networking session, an opportunity for guests to learn even more about each other. The evening was filled with laughter and excitement about the coming season!
June 2024 - Vital Connections Daybreak
For our 2023-2024 Season Wrap Up, we shared and discussed the importance of helping to meet the needs of our neighbors, even if it is a sacrifice. Some ways of meeting needs include caring, generosity, giving, helpfulness and encouragement. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45) It was an inspiring way to start the day!
April 2024 - Garden Spring Tea
In celebration of the season, Marketplace Women gathered in a beautiful garden setting for a morning of fellowship and a fabulous catered tea service. It was a time to share the mission and vision of Marketplace Women, some of the organization’s activities over the last year and our collective love for the Lord and His many blessings.
March 2024 - Vital Connections Daybreak
Marketplace Women had a lively discussion on both the excitement and exhaustion we experience when making unlikely allies. In our professional and personal lives we must often find the difficult balance between standing up for something we believe while not creating a wider divide. Jesus wants us to love others, even when we disagree. Unity is not necessarily uniformity and we can walk hand in hand without always seeing eye to eye.
February 2024 - Vital Connections Daybreak
Marketplace Women gathered together for an insightful discussion on Wisdom and why it is something that we should be reaching for. The Bible tells us that Wisdom is valuable, will help us navigate the complexities of life and will keep us closer to God. The group of seniors from Biola University who joined us enriched our conversations and broadened the scope of our perspectives. It was a good reminder that we should pray before we Google!
January 2024 - Vital Connections Daybreak
Marketplace Women started the year with a bang at our first VC of 2024. With an inspiring topic about the power of asking the right questions, just like Jesus did, attendees identified multiple areas, personally and professionally where the right questions would make all the difference! Guests also received a free eBook entitled “Now That’s a Great Question”, a fun list of 366 questions, one for every day of this leap year and a moleskin journal from our January sponsor, Wright Ford Young & Co.
December 2023 - Christmas Service Project
Marketplace Women gathered together last evening to put together 50 Christmas stockings for displaced women supported by WISEPlace. WISEPlace is the only OC based nonprofit leading the effort to end homelessness for unaccompanied women. The volunteer event was a great way to start our holiday season and to be reminded of how we can make a difference in the lives of others!
November 2023 - Vital Connections Daybreak
It was an enlightening morning as Marketplace Women met together to share how we keep our light from being dimmed in the Marketplace. When our light shines bright, we become relevant to those around us, we influence for good and create a unique an positive experience. But most of all, we point others to Jesus.